Our garment factory has been working with pure Mongolian cashmere for 10 years. Each delivery of yarn used for our items is inspected for quality by our technologists. Moreover, our cashmere is dyed with natural Japanese fabric dyes.
6. Professionalism
We want every item shipped to you to be of the highest quality possible. That’s why we use only pure cashmere. For the same reason, we travelled throughout the country in search of a decent garment factory. PêcheandBeige cannot compete with mass-market prices nor willing to do it. Encouraging impulse buying is not our goal; what we are offering is the garments that will serve you for more than 10 years.
5. Fair prices
PêcheandBeige uses only natural cashmere without any viscose, acrylic or other synthetic blends. We closely monitor the cashmere fibres for our garments to be organic, fine and long. After all, the value lies entirely in the fineness and fibre length of the material. What’s more, PêcheandBeige cashmere hardly pills, which means that we use only long fibres that are less prone to pilling effect.
7. Pure cashmere